Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Successful Hernia Repairs

The Hernia Repair Program continues to be a benefit to the Sierra Leone people.  This program helps the men, women, and children in our 5 target villages with either large, painful, or obstructed hernias to get a hernia operation.  They first get put on a waiting list and the most severe cases are helped first.  Many of these people have lived for years or their whole life with a hernia that deforms their body and deflates their self esteem.  Often times it prohibits them from working or going to school.

A hernia repair operation is one of the few that can be successfully done in Sierra Leone currently.  Phebian helps with transportation, pre-operation and post-operation care, as well has assisting the physician in his work during the actual procedure.  The cost is $45 US dollars.  The patient has to come up with 2/3 of the cost and Jericho Road will pay the rest.  This cost includes the operating room time, the proper medications and equipment, the hospital stay, the physicians salary, and other appropriate care.

On September 10, 2013, Phebian successfully assisted 8 people obtain hernia repairs.  Below are a few pictures of patients and their operations.  Phebian is in the pink scrubs and the patients are in the green scrubs.  This is Phebians comment on that joyful day:
"In all 3 women and 5 men, it was a long day in the hot theatre that

day, but it was worth it because lives were transformed.  They can not

express enough what a blessing Jericho Road Ministries has been in
their lives."

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